Wet Sock Treatment for Boosting Immunity

Wet sock treatment and therapy involves wearing a pair of wet, cold socks to bed to let your body do the work during the night to dry the socks out. To be able to do this successfully, your body increases circulation to the feet which helps relieve congestion in the head and chest. This can be especially helpful for those suffering from chronic headache or migraine and chronic asthma or breathing issues.

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You will need 1 pair of 100% cotton socks, 1 pair of 100% wool socks to utilize this therapy.

Here’s what you’ll need to do to practice wet sock therapy successfully:

  1. Soak the cotton socks completely with cold water. Make sure to ring the socks out well so they are dripping wet.
  2. Make sure you’re completely ready for bed - teeth brushed, went to the bathroom, etc.
  3. Sit on your bed and put the cotton socks on first.
  4. Put the dry, wool socks on directly after.
  5. Get under the covers immediately ensuring your feet are completely covered.
  6. Keep the socks on the entire night. They should be completely dry by morning!

The wet sock treatment has proven to be pivotal in relieving my chronic headaches and migraines with regular use. It can also be beneficial for overall boosting immunity, coughs, colds, sore throats, ear aches, ear infections, and nasal congestion. Make sure to utilize this therapy a minimum of 3 days in a row for best results.

NOTE: Anyone with circulatory issues should consult their physician before starting wet sock therapy.

Next time you or a loved one are feeling under the weather or need a boost to your immune system, make sure to give this simple home remedy a try!

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